Friday, June 26, 2009

My love on you without holding me back...

To love you without holding back
Is a feeling of sure bliss
From the day I first met you on dateinasia
To now, each time we kiss in my dreams
I love you more then you'll ever know
I'm blessed to have you in my life
There is no other in this world who loves you as I do
I would forever take you to be my wife
You are so many things to me
Wife..Lover and my best friend
I will always be here at your side
Until my life comes to an end
There are so many soft and tender words
So many sweet things I want to say
About how you've shown me how to love
In a very unselfish and giving way
You have shown me to love from the heart
And I am what I am because of you
I hope there is never any doubt
To how much I Love You

I LOVE YOU My Princess till my last breathe leaves me...

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