Friday, June 26, 2009

I have learned the meaning of love with you...

To love is to share life together
to build special plans just for two
to work side by side
and then smile with pride
as one by one, dreams all come true.

To love is to help and encourage
with smiles and sincere words of praise
to take time to share
to listen and care
in tender, affectionate ways.

To love is to have someone special
one who you can always depend
to be there through the years
sharing laughter and tears
as a partner, a lover, and a friend.

To love is to make special memories
of moments you love to recall
of all the good things
that sharing life brings
love is the greatest of all.

I've learned the full meaning
of sharing and caring
and having my dreams all come true;
I've learned the full meaning
of being in love
by being and loving with you.

I LOVE YOU My Princess my love on you is growing more and more as we chat day by day....

My feelings...

As I wake by your side,
My feelings for you I cannot hide,
I touch your face in the morning light,
Being with you just feels so right

You make me feel like I'm a your’s,
Like being inside an awesome dream,
Although this is real, that I know,
As the love that surrounds us continues to grow

I think of what the future holds...
Marriage, children, us growing old,
And as I lay, with you dear,
I'm just so glad you're mine, you're here.

I LOVE YOU My Princess no one loves you more then i do....

My love for you....

My love for you is forever
My love for you always grows
My love for you is always here
Even though the whole world knows
My love for you won’t fade
My love for you won’t go away
My love for you is always here
And nothing get’s in its way
I know my love for you will be tested
I know my love for you is challenged each and every day
I know my love for you will never give up
Because my love for you is here to stay
Now my love for you is in your heart
And that’s where I want it to be
Because my love for you was here from the start
It’s just now you hold the key of my heart.

I LOVE YOU My Princess to the deep core of my heart...

My love on you without holding me back...

To love you without holding back
Is a feeling of sure bliss
From the day I first met you on dateinasia
To now, each time we kiss in my dreams
I love you more then you'll ever know
I'm blessed to have you in my life
There is no other in this world who loves you as I do
I would forever take you to be my wife
You are so many things to me
Wife..Lover and my best friend
I will always be here at your side
Until my life comes to an end
There are so many soft and tender words
So many sweet things I want to say
About how you've shown me how to love
In a very unselfish and giving way
You have shown me to love from the heart
And I am what I am because of you
I hope there is never any doubt
To how much I Love You

I LOVE YOU My Princess till my last breathe leaves me...

My search is over.....

I've searched for you
Beyond the stars,
Throughout the years,
And so very far

Somehow I knew
That you were out there,
But that's the thing...
I didn't know where.

When I couldn't find you
I just kept crying,
But I couldn't give up...
I had to keep trying.

I thought GOD out there will help, I'm thinking.
I continued my search
for the love I was seeking.

From hour to hour,
And from place to place,
I didn't give up
In this heart-rushing race

The days went by,
As well as the years
It had brought me nothing
But painful tears

Then all of a sudden,
There you stood...
Like a beautiful angel
floating in the woods of dateinasia

Where have you been?
All of my life
I long for the moment
to call you mine.

In love's embrace
we’ll be together.
Our love is protected by HIM always,
and will last forever.

Fate has leaded me to you,
the one from above...
My search is over;
I've finally found you,
my one true love

I LOVE YOU My Princess...